BDRit EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation Certification Training

EXINCloud Computing Foundation Certification Training is a vendor-neutral qualification certificate, including some technical knowledge, and focuses on the general management aspects of cloud computing. The main content of the training and certification will include the principles of cloud computing, the use of cloud computing, security and compliance, the implementation and management of cloud computing, and evaluation of cloud computing.

Training Period 25.09.2021-26.09.2021

Training Method Online(Participate through CIO Times APP synchronous classroom)

Training Fees RMB6500/per (Including RMB2000/per certification fee);

It is suitable for professionals who are engaged in or are interested in Internet-based services, including related managers, service provider employees, corporate IT managers, and IT service managers.

1, The principles of Cloud Computing

1.1, The concept of Cloud Computing

1.2, The evolution towards Cloud Computing

1.3, Cloud Computing architectures

1.4, Drivers and limitations of Cloud Computing

2, Implementing and managing cloud

2.1, Building local Cloud environment

2.2, Managing Cloud services

3, Using the Cloud

3.1, Accessing the Cloud

3.2, Cloud and the business processes

3.3, Service providers and the Cloud

4, Security and compliance

4.1, Securing the Cloud

4.2, Identity and privacy

5, Evaluation of Cloud Computing: the business case

5.1, The business case

5.2, Evaluating implementations

6, About the exam

EXIN is a leading independent exam and certification institute, EXIN was originally established in 1984 as a foundation by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands, having certified millions of ICT and Business professionals. EXIN has over 1000 accredited partners in more than 150 countries worldwide. As the founding exam institute of ITIL, EXIN has been certified more than 2 million IT and business management professionals around the globe. EXIN's flexible and innovative services enable candidates to take exams anywhere around the globe in many languages. EXIN enables digital transformation by assessing and validating professional competences. EXIN offers a broad range of relevant and much demanded certifications, e.g. in de field of Digital Service Management such as VeriSM™ , EXIN Agile Scrum, EXIN DevOps, EXIN SIAM™, and emerging technologies from business perspective, such as EXIN Blockchain, EXIN-BCS Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and EXIN Cloud Computing etc. Besides, EXIN offers role-based certification such as Digital Transformation Officer (DTO), and Data Protection Officer (DPO). EXIN also provides EXeed™ (a platform for digital credentialing) and e-CF® NEXT (a competence assessment for professionals).

BDRit is a service organization focused on IT management research, consulting and training founded in 2006. It not only the first organization to introduce TOGAF, FEA, ESA, Archimate and Enterprise Architecture Certification Training into China, but also the first organization to introduce certification training courses into China, such us Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Network Security, Privacy and Data Production, as well as Business Analysis. As the core participating unit of China New IT Industry Promotion Alliance (NEWITA), BDRit relies on Peking University, Tsinghua University and the industry's top experts and consulting service resources to provide consulting and training services for Chinese enterprises and government departments on professional informatization planning, overall architecture design, digital top-level design, and digital transformation based on international standard methodologies.

Please contact the office Miss. Wenwen Zhang



